Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Albuquerque to Lubbock, TX

Seeing this country by way of car travel has been great; certain parts of the Southwest I could certainly have skipped. The drive across only the top half of TX was one of them! But check out where my hosts took me to dinner. LOL

Glendale to Flagstaff and then some

Well, I'm really behind in blogging now and I don't have the excuse of no internet! I'm putting in a LOT of miles each day and have been bushed by the time I get camp set up and eat dinner. So, I'm going to Post a bunch of videos tonight but put them on different postings so it's not confusing.

Bob and I had a blast. We travel well together and had lots of laughs. He also was able to do his usual "Mr. Fix It" on a couple of small things that had come up with the camper. :)